To help the public not believe hearsay and myths created by the general populace, the World Health Organization has created a MYTH BUSTER page on their website!

World Health Organization – Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) advice for the public: Myth busters

With the rapidly changing news regarding COVID-19, it is hard to keep up with the facts and not make assumptions. Understanding that we need more factual information, the World Health Organization has a page on their website that is dedicated to busting myths that are circulating about the symptoms and prevention of catching COVID-19.

You can also find up-to-date information on the following sites:


Excellent support for caregivers working struggling to relieve fear-based anxiety from their care recipient:

What is extra helpful on the World Health Organization Myth Buster page, is that WHO has provided the information into easy to digest graphics that are perfect for relieving undue anxiety from older loved ones under your care.

Here are a few examples.